Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Parent FAQs: What should I buy my child for Christmas?

I know this is a bit late in the game, but I've been getting this question a lot, and if you are like me, you make heavy use of Amazon Prime the last few days before the holidays.  So, here goes!

Will's first Christmas (in 2014) was sure exciting!
As I'm sure will come as no surprise based on my last post, my #1 recommendation is . . .


Books may feel old-fashioned, or too educational, or too low tech, but they aren't too expensive, don't need batteries, travel well, are easy to store, and last for a long time.  Giving books as gifts emphasizes that they are special and deserve to be treasured.  We give Will books as gifts for every birthday and holiday:
The Easter Bunny is a total nerd.

The issue we run into is that we already own a lot of books, and we make generous use of our local library, so it's not clear what books we are worth purchasing.  We want to chose books that Will will love, treasure, and remember fondly, without spoiling him and buying him dozens of books he will never read. So, here are few guidelines I use to choose books as gifts for Will. 

Books that we have checked out from the library again and again.  There are few library books that Will is never willing to say goodbye to.  This starts to feel unfair to the other kids, plus these books have become part of our memories of this year, so Will will get a few brand-new copies of his favorites to unwrap on Christmas: This is Paris, A B See, and Snow. (Note: this works best if you have returned them to the library at least few weeks before the gifting. Will has been asking about some of his favorites, and he understands that someone else is reading them now, so he will be thrilled to get them back!)
We like to test-drive books before buying them!
Books we can't get at the library.  Will loves This is Paris, but the other books by the same author aren't available at our library, so we giving Will This is New York.

Books that are out of print.  One of Will's favorite library books this year was Susan Jeffers' beautiful Hansel and Gretel. She has illustrated many gorgeous fairy tales and songs, and Will finds her work mesmerizing. However, many of her classics are out of print, so this year Will is getting a used copy of her Thumbelina before it's gone for good!  Note: I believe it's perfectly fine, even lovely, to give children used books as gifts!  Books don't have to be brand new and expensive; children will love them and wear them out anyway.  I buy used books at used books stores, library sales, garage sales, on Amazon, etc.

Books about holidays.  We have a collection of Christmas books that we add to a little every year.  These books are put away most of the year, and we read them before bed only during the holidays. This was a family tradition for me growing up and my father continues it with Will when we are together. I've always remembered those books fondly and I'm glad we still own them so we can continue the tradition. In addition, it's pretty hard to get seasonal books from the library during the right seasons!  Our current favorites include How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Christmas Mice, Olivia Helps with Christmas, and our family treasury is The Norman Rockwell Christmas Book.
My dad reading Will his nightly Christmas story

Books that reflect our values. This year, we feel more passionate than ever before that we provide Will with books that reflect the diversity of our global society. We include in this category books about traveling to other countries, books in other languages, books that highlight, not hide, our nation's history, and books that feature main characters that don't look the same way we do or have our privileges. Some of my favorites in this category are Gorrion del Metro,  Henry's Freedom Box, and Last Stop on Market Street. I recommend The Coretta Scott King Award page for more great books that are often overlooked.
We have counting books in several languages.

Other Great Gifts

  • Sidewalk chalk.  If you live in a cold snowy place, like we do, you can include a small hand-held chalkboard, or paint chalkboard paint on a wall or table so you can enjoy sidewalk chalk all year. I find the sidewalk chalk works better for little ones than traditional chalk, which they tend to break.
  • Bathtub crayons! Seriously this was the best thing we got Will last year other than books.  He used every crayon until it was tiny nub.
  • Crayons, markers, and fun things to write on.  I like these huge post it notes for displaying Will's work!
  • An alphabet puzzle or magnetic letters.  Will loves to play with the letter pieces in his alphabet puzzle. Sometimes we copy or trace them, sometimes we look for them in books, and sometimes we load them into his toy garbage truck to take them to the dump.  

Will is using his puzzle letters to start to work on matching letter sounds to key words.
Finally, my recommendation is to buy things that are not expensive, don't have batteries or need to be charged, and don't make noise.  One of my favorite Christmas stories growing up was Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Mr. Edwards Meets Santa Claus," which ends:

"Think of having a whole penny for your very own. Think of having a cup and a cake and a stick of candy and a penny. That was a happy Christmas."

The best literacy gifts are not the gifts themselves, but interactions and memories with you and your loved ones over the holidays and make lasting memories. Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Five Main Things We Do: Read, Read, and Read!

Read, Read, and Read!
Can't get enough!

Will was born 3.5 weeks before my due date, so we were not at all prepared.  I think a better phrase to describe us at the time would be in denial.  I thought, "oh, I'm having a new kind of Braxton Hicks, but these hurt." I managed to keep that up until 5am, when it was clear we had to go to the hospital. We barely had a car seat -- it was still in its Amazon box -- so we did an overall pretty haphazard job of packing.  We also lived an hour from the hospital, so there as no way to go back for the things we forgot.  And one of the things we forgot was a book.

I was so crushed by this oversight that my husband ran out to the drug store and bought a book.  It was not a good book. But Will had a bedtime story on the day he was born:

Will with his Grandma Janet and Aunt Julia on the day he was born, April 21, 2014

This was important to me for the same reasons it's important to you; we've all heard it a million times; reading to children is the most important thing we can do for them. Reading, every day, from birth.  Most parents know and agree with this position, even if they don't know exactly why.

As a literacy researcher, I also agree with this position, for two main reasons: reading to children builds literacy knowledge and literacy motivation.

First, reading aloud to children builds all the early literacy skills I've described in earlier posts.  It builds language knowledge, most importantly, vocabulary.  Reading aloud just as important to building language as talking to your child. Reading aloud is critical because literary language is very different from oral language.

In oral language, we tend to use casual, informal words over and over: "Hi, how are you? How as your day? What did you do at school? What do you want for dinner?" Vocabulary researchers conceptualize three "tiers" of words that children can learn (Beck, McKeown, & Kucan, 2013):

Image result for three tiers of vocabulary

Tier 1 includes all these common, every day words: happy, sunny, cold, diaper, bedtime. Children need these words to express their feelings and communicate with others, so they are very important! But by age 2 or 3, they understand and can use many or even most of these words.  Conversations with your children are still very important, but the bulk of new vocabulary learning will happen when they encounter more rare words in Tiers 2 and 3.

Tier 2 includes more complex words that are synonyms for words or ideas that children already know. For example, instead of happy, children learn excited, thrilled, and overjoyed. Instead of cold, they learn freezing, frigid, icy, frostbitten. These are book-words, words that tend to be used in books, across content areas (science, history, geography, etc.). As a result, hearing these words in meaningful contexts is directly preparing your child to read literary texts and content area texts down the road. As a result, these words are sometimes called "academic vocabulary" because they help children read and write in school contexts.

At the same time, these words may or may not come up in your ordinary conversations, even if you are talking to your child a lot and have a large vocabulary.  Even very smart, highly educated adults tend to use the same words over and over again in our speech, as indicated in this study, which found that children's books include more complex and rare vocabulary than conversations between adults. Reading books to your children, therefore, pushes you to use more Tier 2 words than you would naturally.

Tier 3 words are content-specific words. We could think of these words as science or history vocabulary; words like planet, mammal, canal, or pharaoh. These words are also important for success in school, but they are important because of the concepts they represent; when children learn these words they are acquiring new knowledge as well as vocabulary.  Background knowledge is critical for reading comprehension, so building this vocabulary and knowledge also supports long-term reading success. These words also rarely come up in everyday conversation, but often come up in great children's books, especially works of nonfiction.  My Tier 3 vocabulary has greatly expanded since having a toddler, to include words like: excavator, backhoe loader, motor grader, feller buncher, and much more!

So vocabulary is a big reason you are reading to your kids every day, even when the going gets tough. However, the books themselves also provide an important learning tool. As children watch you read and handle books, they develop concepts of print, including knowledge about how to hold a book, how words the words in the book tell the story, how text moves across the page, how to turn pages, and that letters make up words. All of these mechanisms are opaque to children at first! For a while, Will would want me to read to him in the car, even if it was dark, because he didn't understand that I needed to see the words to read them!  Now he is showing much more interest in identifying letters and words on the pages, in addition to enjoying the story. Two strategies can help kids develop these kinds of knowledge about print:
  • talking about the print in books as you read (called print referencing; Justice & Ezell, 2000)
  • giving kids lots of opportunities to handle books on their own

Finally, reading aloud to children builds their motivation to learn to read. They get to experience the wonders of reading before they have to do the work of reading: engaging characters, exciting plots, beautiful language, and worlds of new facts. Unlike vocabulary flash cards, or alphabet tracing or copying, or phonics games or worksheets, reading aloud with your child helps build literacy skills during in an authentic way. The purpose of reading is reading, and reading aloud to children helps them connect reading with your love and attention and develop positive associations that can last a lifetime.

So keep up the good work!